Celebration of Home Exhibition

It is an honour to be included in the New London Architecture’s annual Don’t Move Improve ‘Celebration of Home’ exhibition and publication.

The magazine features our Zig-Zag Roof House in their ‘Family friendly Homes’ section alongside 100 of London’s most inspiring homes. “Reimaging awkward layouts to create vibrant new living spaces, as well as beautiful detailing and craftsmanship; the projects featured in Don’t Move, Improve! demonstrate exceptional innovation, cost-effectiveness and creativity that greatly adds to the neighborhoods of London and to the quality of life of the residents”.

Pick up your copy today for £5 at the NLA’s new home in Coal Drops Yard.

We’ve been published in the Don’t Move Improve 2021 catalogue of London’s best home extensions

Planning Approval Granted in the Green Belt


NLA - Don’t Move Improve! 2021