Happy Holidays from 4SA

As another unusual year draws to a close we wish you all a very happy and safe holiday season.

I am very lucky to be spending Christmas with family in Toronto this year, and made a stop en route to visit Old Montréal, one of the oldest urban areas in North America but amazingly only classified as a historic district in 1964!

We would like to send out a huge thanks to our clients and collaborators who have helped to make this year a success.

Our office will be closed from the afternoon of December 17th until January 6th, but we very much look forward to collaborating with you in 2022.

Figure 1: Festive displays at a café on Rue St-Sulphice beside the Basilica Notre-Dame in Old Montréal, where I have been exploring this beautiful historic city. Source: 4 S Architecture.


Planning permission granted for our Eucalyptus House in Brixton Conservation Area


Listed Building Consent granted for iconic Central London office building within the St James’s Conservation Area