Grosvenor Place refurbishment completed

Our restoration and refurbishment works at the Grade II listed Grosvenor Place property has now been completed and we’re excited to share the professional photos by Henry Woide.

The refurbishment features careful restoration of the original timber panelling and plaster crown mouldings in the main board room. Gently curved plaster edges have been designed to the dropped ceilings throughout the space that hide new energy efficient services and lighting. This elegant gesture recalls curved niches and doorways in other areas of the floor and allows the tops of historic windows which were once covered, space to breathe.

Detail of the exterior of Grosvenor Place. Image credit: Henry Woide.

You can read more about the process and history of the magnificent building in our previous posts here and here.

Subtle interventions like installing mirrors in the existing arched niches and adding feature wall lights elevate the Category A fit out (left) and the newly restored wood-panelled board room (right). Images credit: Henry Woide.


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